Director Corporate Service

Phone: 034 331 3041
Expertise : Corporate Services

The Directorate renders support service to the core service delivery departments of the Municipality. The support service is rendered through:

  • Provision and management of human resources
  • Building institutional capacity
  • Promoting sound labour relations
  • Rendering administrative support to the Institution; and
  • It renders excellent legal services.

Mr Nhlakanipho Mtshali : Human Resource Manager

Phone: 034 331 3041
Expertise: Human Resources and Registry and Records Management unit

Recruitment and selection

  • Training and development
  • Labour relations
  • Occupational Health and Safety
  • Employment equity
  • Policy development and amendment
  • Job evaluation Employees Assistant Programme and Wellness Programme Secretariat services
  • Arching services
  • Filing of correspondence
  • Record keeping
  • Disposal of documents

Legal Services unit
By-Laws and Policy Development
Legal Advice
Contract Management

Mr Mandla Jele : ICT Manager

Phone : 034 331 3041
Expertise : ICT Support & Library Service

ICT Governance

The goal of ICT governance is to enhance the overall management of ICT and increase the return on investment from investments in information and technology. ICT makes it possible for the municipality to properly manage its ICT risks and make sure that the operations related to information and technology are in line with their overarching business goals.

Maintaining Hardware and Software

The unit maintains the hardware and software systems within the municipality. This includes configuring and updating software applications, employee devices, servers, databases, and other ICT infrastructure

Monitoring System Performance

The unit monitors the performance of the municipal ICT systems, to identify potential issues before they become critical. This allows the unit to take proactive steps to prevent downtime and system failures.

Data Storage and Backups

The unit typically manages the municipal data storage systems, which includes implementing solutions such as cloud storage. It further ensures that data is backed up regularly and securely to prevent data loss in the event of a system failure or breach.

Cybersecurity and User Administration

ICT unit plays a critical role in maintaining the security of municipal network. This includes implementing firewalls, antivirus software, and other security measures to protect against cyber threats. It also manages user access to the network, ensuring that only authorized users have access to sensitive data and systems.

Application Management

The unit manages the municipal’s critical apps (accounting, payroll and HR) and communication systems. It ensures that these systems are available and reliable, and that they are secured against hacking and other cyber threats.

Troubleshooting & IT Support

The unit also provides training and support to end-users within the municipality. This includes training employees on how to use software applications and hardware systems, as well as providing troubleshooting and technical support when they encounter issues.

Administration and Council Support unit
Social Services (Forums)
Cleaning services
Protection Services
Motor licensing
Learners and driving testing
Law enforcement
Public Participation unit

  • Secretariat for Municipal Rapid Response Team
  • Deputy Chairperson for Local Task Team (OSS)
  • Establishing and maintaining effective working relationships with diverse groups and individuals
  • Co-ordinate, facilitate and monitor the establishment and functioning of ward committees in all wards within the Municipality;
  • Co-ordinate and facilitate the training of ward committee members;
  • Attend the District and Provincial Speakers Forum quarterly;
  • Attend the Provincial Public Participation Steering Committee Forum quarterly

Mrs N Zungu : Disaster Management Manager

Emergency services number: 0609987778 (Operational 24/7)

  • Integrated institutional capacity
  • Municipal Disaster Advisory Forum (MDMAF)- to make provision for the integration and coordination of disaster management activities and to give effect to the principle of co-operative governance. The main purpose of the MDMAF is to provide a mechanism for relevant role players to consult one another and to coordinate their activities with regards to disaster risk management issues
  • Community participation-the community is the first to be affected by disasters
  • Mutual assistance agreements and
  • Dissemination of information
  • Prevention and mitigation of disaster risks
  • Conduct disaster risk assessment
  • Develop municipal disaster risk profile
  • Development of disaster risk reduction plans, projects and programmes
  • Inclusion of disaster risk reduction efforts in other structures and processes; and
  • Implementation and monitoring of disaster risk reduction programmes and initiatives
  • Preparedness for effective response to disasters
  • Dissemination of early warnings
  • Evacuation procedures, routes and sites in advance of expected emergencies
  • Rehearsals and
  • Education, training and public awareness
  • Response and recovery
  • Assessment and review of a disaster
  • Integrated response
  • Regulation of relief efforts and
  • Post-disaster recovery and rehabilitation

Mr V Nhlapho : Parks and Gardens Officer

Phone: 034 331 3022

The unit is responsible for:

  • Maintenance of municipal parks and gardens
  • Manage parks and open spaces
  • Manage and maintain sports and recreation facilities and amenities