Mayoral Bursary

eMadlangeni Municipality is promoting the careers for youth who wish to further their education at tertiary level. The main aim of the bursary is to assist the needy youth with funding for a tertiary education. the municipality does not limit the field of studies but will look on the main following:

  • Be from eMadlangeni Municipality
  • You must be between the age of 18 – 35
  • Be financial needy (attach proof of source of income for both parents)
  • Acceptance letter from tertiary institution
  • Statement of result / certified copy of grade 12 certificate
  • Must have minimum of 28 points

The above requirements are contained in a policy for awarding bursaries adopted in council in a council meeting held on the 10 January 2022 ( Resolution no. A9/2022). All applications must be hand delivered to the office of the mayor at Emadlangeni Municipality.

Closing date 04 February 2022 @ 14H30