What is a By-Law?

A by-law is a law that is passed by the Council of a municipality to regulate the affairs and the services it provides within its area of jurisdiction. A municipality derives the powers to pass a by-law from the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa, which gives certain specified powers and competencies to local government as set out in Part B of Schedules 4 and Part B of 5 to the Constitution.

By-laws cover various local government issues such as public roads and miscellaneous, parking grounds, public open spaces, street trading, public health, cemeteries and crematoria, emergency services, culture and recreation services, and encroachment on property.

By-Laws & Policies

15/11/2023 Individual PMS Policy & Procedures Manual Download
27/04/2023 Virement Policy of Emadlangeni LM Download
27/04/2023 Revised SCM Policy eMadlangeni Download
27/04/2023 Emadlangeni Cost Containment-Policy Download
27/04/2023 Cash Investment Policy ELM Download
27/04/2023 Budget Policy eMadlangeni LM Download
27/04/2023 Fleet Management Policy Download
27/04/2023 Leave Policy A59 Download
27/04/2023 Asset Management Policy eMadlangeni Local Download
27/04/2023 Petty Cash Policy for 2017-18 Download
27/04/2023 Internal Audit Charter Download
27/04/2023 Emadlangeni SPLUM By-Laws Download
27/04/2023 ELM BY-LAWS Download