
Mr SM Nkwanyana : Director
of Infrastructure and Planning Development


The Infrastructure Development is responsible for all infrastructural development & maintenance of such infrastructure to ensure the wellbeing of the communities in the jurisdiction of Emadlangeni Municipality.

Ms NBN MOKOENA : Planning Development Manager


  • Planning, design and develop, improve and maintain a safe and efficient road network so as to satisfy both the individual and business needs of the Municipality.
  • Maintenance of storm water drainage system.
  • Maintenance of roads signage and safety


Disaster management is a continuous and integrated multi-sectoral, multidisciplinary process of planning and implementation of measures aimed at- (a) preventing or reducing the risks of disasters; (b) mitigating the severity or consequences of disasters; (c) emergency preparedness; (d) a rapid and effective response to disasters; and (e) post-disaster recovery and rehabilitation (Disaster Management Act, 2002 (Act No. 57 of 2002)).


Mr S Makhaye : LED & Tourism Manager


Emadlangeni Municipality Local Economic Development unit plays a role in identifying socio-economic community needs with a clear development focus on the creation of a growing local economy. The Emadlangeni Municipality’s LED Unit is committed to promote quality economic development facilitation and coordination services to its communities by:

  • Supporting and providing trainings for SMMEs Co-Ops
  • Promoting art and crafts programs
  • By assisting in applications of external funding for our informal traders
  • Identifying projects and support them to be sustainable for a longest period
  • By focusing on projects that have potential opportunities for growth and community involvement
  • By promoting sustainable economic development and economic inclusion
  • By promoting private, public partnership.
  • By assisting in the preparation and compilation of business plans


The vision of the tourism division of the Emadlangeni Municipality is to promote and develop the local Tourism and agriculture industry as a key economic sector within the regional economy. Its mission is to successfully market, promote and develop Tourism and agricultural Products and services on the following aspect:

  • Promoting and advertising tourism sector i.e hospitality, BNB, Bike Rally, Zenzele Horse racing, Balele Game park
  • Maintaining linkage with other departments dealing with agriculture and rural development research on projects
  • Linking the famers with potential markets for their fresh produce


According to business act no 71 of 1991 emphasizes that every facility that sells consumable and perishable foodstuff must apply for business license. It also highlights that the informal traders should apply for permits. The unit do and issue business licenses and permits on yearly basis. To make sure that the facility complies with business regulations Led unit with EDTEA organizes business inspections every after 4 months.


The led unit co-ordinates EPWP programs that create 120 job opportunities yearly. We are responsible to make sure that gender is balanced, people living with disabilities are included and also people from disadvantage background are included.

Mr Bongani Khumalo : Manager Infrastructure


Infrastructure Development consist of the follow Units: –

  • Roads & Storm water
  • Electricity
  • Project Management
  • Parks & Gardens

Mr M Vumazonke : Electrician

Expertise : Electricity

  • Reticulation and distribution of electricity (within the municipal licensed areas)
  • The electrical unit is responsible for provision of electricity also ensuring public lighting and other energy services that satisfy our customers and community whilst maintaining sound business principles
  • Plan, construct and maintain an integrated network system which supplies electricity to the consumers.


The unit is responsible for:

  • Provision, development and extension of infrastructural networks
  • Development of municipal basic Infrastructure, community facilities and roads network
  • Management of Municipal Infrastructure Grant (MIG) and Integrated National Electrification Programme (INEP)