GN Mavundla : Municipal Manager


The office of the Municipal Manager falls directly under the executive mayor. The head of the office is the Municipal Manager (MM).However, the MM continues to head the administrative side of the municipality. The office is assisted by senior management and leads the management team which is jointly and severally responsible for the municipal administration.The Office of the Municipal Manager is made up of several key units. It is primarily responsible for strategy and policy, integrated development planning, performance management and reporting, and high-level co-ordination of municipal oversight, communication, internal audit, councillor support and interaction with external stakeholders.

Mr N Ndaba : Senior Internal Audit


The eMadlangeni Local Municipality Internal Audit unit has been established in terms of Section 165(i) of the Local Government Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003).

The Institute of Internal Auditors defines Internal Auditing as:

“An independent, objective assurance and consulting activity designed to add value and improve an organisations operations. It helps an organisation accomplish its objective by bringing a systematic, disciplined approach to evaluate and improve the effectiveness of risk management, control and governance processes.”

Therefore, the Internal Audit Activity is a function that should assess the Municipality’s Risk Management, Control, and Governance Systems and make recommendations to Management for improvement.

The Internal Audit Activity at eMadlangeni Local Municipality has one sub-unit, namely the Risk Management Unit. This sub-unit is responsible for coordinating and facilitating Risk Management processes within the Municipality. This sub-unit ensures that there are policies and procedures in place to enable the implementation of risk management processes. Risk Management assists the Municipality in ensuring that objectives that have been set are achieved within a tolerable degree of residual risks. The results of the risk assessment are the basis of the annual internal audit plan. All officials are responsible to incorporate risk management processes in their day to day activities.​


The Internal Audit Activity reports administratively to the Accounting Officer and functionally to the Audit Committee on the implementation of the internal audit plan and matters relating to:

  • Internal controls;
  • Accounting procedures and practices;
  • Risk and risk management;
  • Performance management;
  • Loss control;
  • Governance as the unit assists Management in achieving the goals of the Municipality by evaluating the processes through which: goals and values are established and communicated; the accomplishment of goals is monitored; corporate values are preserved; and accountability is ensured and corporate values are preserved; and
  • Compliance with the Municipal Finance Management Act (Act 56 of 2003), Division of Revenue Act and any other applicable legislation

Mr M Zondo : IDP & PMS Manager


The Integrated Development Planning unit is one of the transversal units housed in the office of the Municipal Manager. This section functions are performed in collaboration with all other line departments.

The subsection’s primary function includes:
  • Developing and reviewing Integrated Development Plan (IDP)
  • Facilitation and coordinating the development of the Integrated Development Plan
  • Ensuring that all activities and operations are aligned with the IDP to ensure alignment of SDBIP with Integrated Development Plan (IDP)
  • Align Council activities to Provincial Growth and Development Strategy (PGDS) and National Spatial Development Perspective (NSDP)Performance Management System UnitThe subsection’s key priority is to:

A performance management system tracks the performance of employees in a manner that is consistent and measurable.

The PMS Unit coordinates all activities for the monitoring, measuring and reporting of performance achievements set out in the organisational Performance Scorecard and Departmental Performance achievements as set out in the Service Delivery Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP).

Ayanda Mabaso : Communications Officer


The Communication services unit exists to ensure that communications across Emadlangeni Municipality is well coordinated, effectively managed and responsive to the diverse information needs of the public.

It provides internal and external communication services, public relations and events management.

Provide the public with timely, accurate, clear, objective and complete information about its policies, programs, services and initiatives.

Ensure all the directorates of the Emadlangeni Municipality work collaboratively to achieve coherent and effective communications with the public.

Internal and external communication requirements must be identified and met when planning, managing or reviewing policies, programs, services or initiatives.